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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc; .docx) document file format, and does not exceed 5MB.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses) or bold (except with titles); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements (APA for formatting references) outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submitted text follows the recommendations and instructions for anonymity. Authors may cite other works of their own, provided that they are in 3rd person; when, for any reason of argument, it is necessary to assume the authorship of works previously published (or in the process of being published), they must be referenced by “Author, year” and the paraphrase procedure must be adopted, avoiding literal transcriptions of those works.
  • All authors and their respective ORCID IDs have been included in the supplementary document. (title page).

Author Guidelines

General Information

Articles submitted to PERCEPTA undergo an initial evaluation by the Editorial Board to assess originality, thematic relevance, and alignment with the journal's scope. Plagiarism checks are conducted as part of this process, and submissions are categorized into relevant subfields.

Subsequently, each manuscript undergoes evaluation by two experts in the field, who provide objective assessments and recommend acceptance with or without revisions, or rejection. In cases of reviewer divergence, a third evaluator is consulted.

Review criteria:

The PERCEPTA editorial board recommends reviewers consider the following parameters for guidance:

(1) The relevance of the work, considering its potential contribution to expanding the knowledge in the field of music cognition;

(2) The adequacy of textual content and structure, including clarity of objectives, fluency and consistency of argumentation, rigor in theoretical-methodological approach and research foundation, coherence between objectives and presented results, and technical quality of graphic and sound elements linked to the main text;

(3) The quality of referencing, verifying consistency in dialogue with other authors' work in the field, as well as the relevance and update of the referenced bibliography;

(4) The appropriateness of text formatting, considering publication standards and content quality such as title clarity, conciseness, and coherence with text content; abstract synthesis; keyword relevance; quality of abstract and keyword translations.

Reviewers assign scores from 1 to 5 for each criterion, with a total score of 12 or higher recommending acceptance. Scores below 12 result in rejection, with evaluators providing reasons based on the review criteria.


Authors must submit articles using the Journal’s submission site. The submission process involves five steps: accepting conditions, uploading the text file, providing text data, uploading supplementary files, and confirming submission. The evaluation process begins only if the article adheres to section policies and recommendations. Inconsistencies identified by the editorial board lead to suspension until addressed by the author.

Authors may need to revise the text to meet editorial standards. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor changes for alignment with editorial standards. More substantial changes in structure and content will be agreed upon with the authors. No alterations or additions are allowed post-acceptance unless approved by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts (main text - excluding pre-textual elements and references) should be 24,000 to 60,000 characters long (including spaces), not exceeding 25 pages in A4 format (with top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm and side margins of 3 cm).


The document should be structured, starting from the first line of the initial page, with pre-textual elements presented in the main language (Portuguese, English, or Spanish) and in English (if the main language is Portuguese or Spanish) or Portuguese (if the main language is English):

a) The title and subtitle should total up to 15 words (including articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.). It should clearly and precisely express the general content of the article;

b) The abstract must not exceed 1.000 characters (including spaces) and should highlight the objectives, theoretical framework, method, and results of the research;

c) Keywords should include 3 to 5 words/expressions that best represents the article's content.


d) The main text of the article (including topic and section headings) should be edited in Times New Roman 12 font, with 1.5 line spacing, and 1 cm indentation for the first lines of paragraphs;

e) Graphical elements (figures, schemes, diagrams, musical examples, tables, charts, etc.) should be inserted into the text in JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png) format, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, accompanied by a caption or title positioned above the image;

f) Footnotes should be brief and used only to add necessary additional information on terms, concepts, and URLs.


g) References should consist of an alphabetically ordered list, containing only the documents cited in the article text, and should be presented according to the American Psychological Association - APA standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, 2019).


The article's title page should be sent separately as a "supplementary document" (4th step of the submission process) and is a mandatory document. The title page should include: a) title and subtitle (if any) of the article; b) author(s) names (in the order they should be published), ORCID IDs, institutional affiliations, residential addresses, and emails; brief professional information (with a maximum of 400 characters); and c) indication of the funding agency or support for the work (if any).



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