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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)

Validation of the Assessment Music Therapy Protocol for Premature Babies (AMTPPB): A content validity study

March 12, 2021


This research aimed to conduct a content validity study of the Music Therapy Evaluation Protocol for Premature Babies (PAMBP). This work is part of a master's degree in the Graduate Program of the School of Music of the UFMG. It has the support of FAPEMIG. The evaluation was carried out by completing an opinion questionnaire between two groups of judges who collected answers from 1 to 4 on the Likert Scale about clarity, relevance, applicability, and representativeness of the protocol. Twelve music therapists were invited to participate in the evaluation. For the calculation, the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used with an expected result of at least 0.80. The result of the global CVI by the professional judges was 0.72. The test items were divided into six groups; three scores below 0.80 were obtained. The results obtained in this test indicate that the PAMBP should be analyzed and modified, undergoing a new test later.