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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Percepta - Revista de Cognição Musical


April 5, 2024


The research aimed to verify the musical perceptual performance of elderly people participating and not participating in choral singing and its consequences in cognitive aspects. This research has a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. In the research, sociodemographic and cultural questionnaires and the Music Ear Test were used as data collection instruments to verify the musical perception of the participants. The sample consisted of 56 people aged sixty or over, divided into two groups: participants and non-participants in the choral singing extension activity at an Open University for the Elderly. Data analysis was carried out using the R programming language. The results presented indicate that non-retired elderly people showed better results in the cognitive aspects of attention, memory and perception, and that people who have participated in choral singing previously have a better performance. performance in perception tests, in addition to showing that musical activity is also an exercise in helping these cognitive aspects for this population.


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