The Organizing Committee of the 18th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) invites researchers to collaborate on the Academic Review Committee. This committee consists of qualified researchers from related fields worldwide willing to review conference submissions.


Committee members should hold a recognized doctorate in a relevant area of research.


Recent ICMPC meetings have consistently received over 500 submissions. To ensure fair and thorough evaluation without overburdening individual reviewers:

  • Each proposal will be evaluated by 2 to 3 reviewers.
  • Each reviewer will typically be assigned an average of 5 to 8 proposals

The organizers will determine the number of committee members required based on the total number of submissions received.


The names and affiliations of all committee members will be published on the conference website and in the program.

Timeline and Reviewer Confirmation:

Please confirm your willingness to join the Academic Review Committee and indicate your research topic areas (priority topics below) by January 31. This will allow us to begin the review process in February, with submissions assigned based on matched topics.

Guidelines for reviewers will be sent once your confirmation is received. The review process is expected to be completed by March 2, 2025.


  • — by Roseane Yampolschi
    Posted 25/01/2025 9:03 am

    Thank you for the invitation for the ICMPC 2025. I confirm my willingness to join the Review Academic Committee.

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